A companion to THE WORD OF SINNA LUVVA blog. An Outlet for new poems, drafts of poems and even rediscovered or reworked ones! For more poetry by Malcolm Evison see the Related Sites listing.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

and still - the dog walks me (first draft)

legs quivering, 
like a spluttering candle,
I wondered 
if they would carry me
down footpath and bridleways
of Piper's evening walk. 

I managed,just; then felt 
relieved to reach 
the portal
of our shared abode. 

Exhaustion breaks me, the result
not only of today's exertion but, 
rather a reminder
of last night's sparse
and troubled sleep.

The sun may shine
on just and unjust alike -
but then it rains

it pours, a plenitude
of aches and pains,

a multitude
of torments to endure

malcolm evison
15 november 2016

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

How to become President

How to become President

get what you can
by any means
you can

if at first
you don’t succeed

throw a tantrum
until they yield

to your demand

malcolm evison – 09 November 2016