A companion to THE WORD OF SINNA LUVVA blog. An Outlet for new poems, drafts of poems and even rediscovered or reworked ones! For more poetry by Malcolm Evison see the Related Sites listing.

Friday, January 11, 2013

First Rite

First Rite



Reluctantly compliant twigs

permit the murmuring wind

to pluck arpeggios -


they glisten as they dance,

throw off the recent rain,

as if to solemnize the ground


in Holy baptism.

Shoots drill

through the cold


sodden ground,

shrilling defiance.

Snow’s residue,


a blanket stitch,

hems in the pale green spears.

A sunbeam breaks


the day’s grey wash -

as if to bless

this new emergence.





 Malcolm Evison

  24 January 2007